V-Combo VR-09 – Made for Live Playing

V-Combo VR-09

The V-Combo VR-09 is designed from the ground up to be the ultimate keyboard for live players. It is designed with dedicated knobs, sliders and buttons that allow you to choose your instruments and also shape sounds quickly and painless without having to dig into menus. In the following videos our resident synth ninja,Ed Diaz dives into the VR-09’s synth section, splits, layers, piano, organ, drums and on board looper.

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Synth Section

The V-Combo VR-09 has tons of ready-to-play synth sounds, from vintage analog classics like the JUNO strings and ‘80s synth brass to modern tones and beyond. Here’s a peek at some of the brass, string, bass, lead, pad and choir sounds within the synth section. Ed’s first instrument is the trumpet, so it is only natural that he gravitates to the brass sounds. Within the brass section of the synth block, Ed plays the JP-8 brass, Juno brass, FS Brass and the N Trumpet. In the strings section of the keyboard, Ed plays the JP-8 strings and the Full Strings. For the lead section, he plays the Saw Lead and Pure Lead. In the bass section, Ed plays the Fat Analog Bass, Monster Bass, Acoustic Bass and Finger Style Bass. For the pad section, Ed plays the Heaven pad and wraps up the synth section with choir.

Splits and Layers

The V-Combo VR-09’s split and layering features are perhaps the worlds easiest and most intuitive you will ever see on any keyboard. For beginners, this is probably the best time to describe what splits and layers are. A split is when you divide and assign sections of the keyboard to different sounds; for example, assigning a piano sound on everything from middle C and to the left and a brass sound from D to the right. A layer is when you assign multiple sounds to the same key; for example, a string sound over a piano. In this video, Ed demonstrates how to layer sounds on top of each other in two steps and how to split the key bed with one extra step.

Piano Editing

All sounds in the V-Combo VR-09 are editable, including the piano sounds.  In this short video Ed demonstrates Reverb, pitch shifter, tremolo, overdrive, phaser, delay and wah over piano, electric piano and clavier.

Organ Section

The V-Combo VR-09 has three different types of organs jazz, rock, and transistor. Here, we’ll show you how easy it is to build an organ tone. To adjust our tone, we’ll use the V-Combo VR-09’s vibrato, chorus, leakage noise, click sound (on and off click), and rotary speaker acceleration. We will also show you how to adjust the harmonics with the drawbars. Finally, we’ll show you how easy it is to assign effects to the pitch wheel, pedal, button or d-beam.

Drums and Audio Looper

For the last video, Ed demonstrates the variety of drum kits found on the V-Combo VR-09 such as pop, jazz, rock to the ever popular TR-808 and everything in between. You don’t have to be a great finger drummer to use these kits, there are onboard rhythm patterns to choose from. Finally, Ed demonstrates the power of the on-board looper.

In closing, the V-Combo VR-09 is an all purpose keyboard for the working musician. It’s nearly effortless to find and tweak your sounds with the surface sliders, knobs and buttons or go deep with the iPad editor. You can take this board to your rock gig, your jazz gig, your metal gig and on Sunday you can take it to church to wash your sins away. If you have any questions about the V-Combo VR-09 drop us a comment below.

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Created by Roland V-Drums specialist Simon Ayton, these patches were designed using the internal factory sounds and many of the techniques covered in the TD-50 guide. Enjoy exploring the possibilities!