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Everything you need to know to

Get Your Child Started Playing the Drums

Every parent wants the best for their child and it’s challenging to find positive activities that they will enjoy.
Learning to play an instrument like the drums is a great life skill to have, and it can benefit your child’s social and academic development.

So, the BIG question is how do you get started?

Over the years we have spoken to a variety of parents and beginner drummers. 
We have created several articles and videos to point you in the right direction, and to help guide you along the way.

So sit back and find out if drumming is a good fit for your child.

My Kid Wants to Learn the Drums

The turning point for me was reading an article by a music teacher. She said that if your children show any interest in music at all, please support them. She has seen children’s lives transformed by learning an instrument.

Music helps your child to focus. When listening and playing music, the busy world of peer pressure, video games and homework disappears. There is also a deep sense of accomplishment in being able to play an instrument. This develops confidence and brings a joy that spreads to all areas of your child’s life.

Why Children Should Learn the Drums

In this popular video, experienced drum teachers Loz and Joey walk us through the many benefits for kids learning the drums.
They also answer some common questions parents might have about the best path musically for their children to take.
Both teachers are professional drummers, doing live performances, studio work and teaching drums to people of all ages.

Finding the Right Teacher

Learning the Drums - A Teacher's Story

From a very young age, I remember getting out all the pots and pans in the kitchen, turning them upside and using a wooden spoon to hit them. I’m sure it sounded horrible! But my mum didn’t get angry and instead saw that I liked creating sounds and rhythm. In year 3 I started drumming in the primary school concert band. Soon after that I started taking piano lessons.

Music got me through those tricky teenage years. When I felt a little lost, I could take myself off to play drums and be in my own world. I would later find that playing music would give me a community, a sense of belonging and bring my life joy and meaning.

A Beginners Guide to Learning the Drums

Some drummers have succeeded without ever taking a single lesson, but many of the best in the world have studied their craft and learned from professionals.

There are plenty of materials out there to get you started, from online tutorials to DVDs, books and CDs. But at some point in their journey, many drummers will benefit from having an expert to turn to, to ask questions, separate good technique from bad and to generally guide their learning.

Some drum teachers like to use grades, which require taking exams. Some tutors feel there is value in a more flexible, less prescriptive method of learning. It’s about finding what works best for you.

Buying Your First Drum Kit

There’s nothing as exciting as buying new gear. This is especially true when you’re first starting to play an instrument. But for aspiring drummers, it can feel like there’s a lot to learn before you even pick up a set of sticks. With so much choice, you can – and should – get a kit that’s just right for you. What’s more, starting off with the right gear will help you achieve your goals more quickly. To make life easier, we’ve made this three-minute guide to buying a drum kit. It’ll fill you in on the basics and help you choose a set-up that works for you.

Drum kits can vary.  Most drummers, however, will start out with a five-piece drum kit. This gives you plenty to practise and play with and it won’t confuse you with too many bells and whistles either. Here’s what’s involved:

Find out which V-Drums Kit is right for you

V-Drums Kit Picker V 2.0 TEST

Which type of kit would you like?

A Shell Kit

A Pads Kit

Where will you do most of your playing? Please only choose 1!

With Headphones

Band Rehearsal

On Stage

With Headphones

Band Rehearsal

On Stage

How many Toms would you like?

2 Toms (4 Piece Kit)

3 Toms (5 Piece Kit)

Which type of Hi-Hat would you like?

Hi-Hat on Rack

Hi-Hat on own Stand

Which type of kit is most important?

Most Compact Kit

Most Expandable Kit

Most Compact Kit

Most Expandable Kit

This is the best selection for you.







Check out this kit







Check out this kit







Check out this kit







Check out this kit







Check out this kit







Check out this kit







Check out this kit







Check out this kit







Check out this kit







Check out this kit







Check out this kit







Check out this kit







Check out this kit







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Check out this kit







Check out this kit







Check out this kit







Check out this kit







Check out this kit







Check out this kit







Check out this kit







Check out this kit







Check out this kit







Check out this kit







Check out this kit







Check out this kit







Check out this kit







Check out this kit







Check out this kit







Check out this kit







Check out this kit

V-Drums Kit Picker V 2.0 Mobile

Which type of kit would you like?

A Shell Kit

A Pads Kit

Where will you do most of your playing? Please only choose 1!

With Headphones

Band Rehearsal

On Stage

With Headphones

Band Rehearsal

On Stage

How many Toms would you like?

2 Toms (4 Piece Kit)

3 Toms (5 Piece Kit)

Which type of Hi-Hat would you like?

Hi-Hat on Rack

Hi-Hat on own Stand

Which type of kit is most important?

Most Compact Kit

Most Expandable Kit

Most Compact Kit

Most Expandable Kit

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Created by Roland V-Drums specialist Simon Ayton, these patches were designed using the internal factory sounds and many of the techniques covered in the TD-50 guide. Enjoy exploring the possibilities!