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The Expert Drummer's Guide to V-Drums

Great artists know what they need to perform at their best.
Increasingly, drummers are taking control of their own sound and driving the music in new and creative directions.

Drummers rely on reliable gear that offers musical freedom allowing their unique personalities to be heard.
Being adaptable and always thinking musically are traits that make music happen both on stage and in the studio.

The Roland TM-6 vs. the SPD-SX

TM-6 PRO vs SPD-SX?  The SPD-SX is hands-down the most popular instrument used today but have you seen the TM-6PRO?

When it comes to triggering samples and loops on stage or in the studio, the SPD-SX is the standard. Find it at music venues and festivals the world over since the SPD-S’ inception in 2003.

While the popularity of the SPD-SX pad is undeniable, some musicians need more trigger inputs and output channels. Connecting triggers directly onto their drums is the way to go for drummers. 

For quick patch and volume changes, real-time knobs and buttons are best.

Drumming for Worship - Managing Your Levels

Drumming quietly with intensity and building a worship friendly drum set is one of the biggest challenges for any worship drummer.

In fact, drumming in difficult spaces like a churches and halls is a major headache and earache for  band members and the audience too.

Drummers learn early on that drums come to life when hit the right way with conviction. That seems to be at odds with what is required in a band scenario in a big live space.

Hit hard enough, the drum vibrates properly and the resulting soundwaves excite the space making for a big and impressive sound. 

Artist Interviews and the TD-50 V-Drums Kit

Joe Accaria & Marty Hailey at Blackfoot Sound

Arguably two of Australia’s busiest musicians, drummer Joe Accaria and guitarist Marty Hailey performed as a dynamic duo at the 2012 Australian Ultimate Drummer Weekend in Melbourne to rapturous applause. 

The performance was a twenty minute piece, based around diverse musical ideas with lots of looping and sound changes and space to really stretch out.

 Regrouping after some international and Australia-wide playing, the pair joined up again at Blackfoot Sound in Sydney to record the piece and talk to us about their ideas, compositions and how the gear is being used to create their particular loop inspired din.

Drummer’s Guide for the TD-50 V-Drums Kit

This comprehensive TD-50 drummer’s guide covers all aspects of the Roland TD-50 kit.

The TD-50 is one of the most powerful drum modules available today and almost limitless in its sound design capabilities.

In this detailed guide, you’ll learn how to get the most from your Roland TD-50 setup.

Learn how to create your dream kit sounds through the TD-50’s deep editing features for live, home and studio use.

Drummer Shane “Russ” Russell

Shane “Russ” Russell of Australian band Twelve Foot Ninja is one of a new breed of exciting drummers able to pull from the long history of the artform and take it somewhere new and exciting. Roland Australia’s Simon Ayton met with Russ over a homemade espresso to discover his musical journey and what makes him tick and how he records drums at home.

Never straying far from the trusty coffee machine and sharing the room with his iRacing simulator setup, Russ’s weapon of choice reflects his personality and has been built up over time to emulate his acoustic kit.

Find out which V-Drums Kit is right for you

V-Drums Kit Picker V 2.0 TEST

Which type of kit would you like?

A Shell Kit

A Pads Kit

Where will you do most of your playing? Please only choose 1!

With Headphones

Band Rehearsal

On Stage

With Headphones

Band Rehearsal

On Stage

How many Toms would you like?

2 Toms (4 Piece Kit)

3 Toms (5 Piece Kit)

Which type of Hi-Hat would you like?

Hi-Hat on Rack

Hi-Hat on own Stand

Which type of kit is most important?

Most Compact Kit

Most Expandable Kit

Most Compact Kit

Most Expandable Kit

This is the best selection for you.







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Check out this kit







Check out this kit







Check out this kit







Check out this kit







Check out this kit







Check out this kit







Check out this kit

V-Drums Kit Picker V 2.0 Mobile

Which type of kit would you like?

A Shell Kit

A Pads Kit

Where will you do most of your playing? Please only choose 1!

With Headphones

Band Rehearsal

On Stage

With Headphones

Band Rehearsal

On Stage

How many Toms would you like?

2 Toms (4 Piece Kit)

3 Toms (5 Piece Kit)

Which type of Hi-Hat would you like?

Hi-Hat on Rack

Hi-Hat on own Stand

Which type of kit is most important?

Most Compact Kit

Most Expandable Kit

Most Compact Kit

Most Expandable Kit

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Created by Roland V-Drums specialist Simon Ayton, these patches were designed using the internal factory sounds and many of the techniques covered in the TD-50 guide. Enjoy exploring the possibilities!